Basic Information
This entry is about a narrative trope.
Applied phlebotinum is a substance that provides an effect necessary for the plot. This could be alchemical reagents, nanotechnology, mutagenic substances, and so forth.
Phlebotinum tends to fall into one of three categories.
- Green Rocks - Phlebotinum with multiple, sometimes unexpected uses, often with little internal consistency. Also called Handwavium.
- Minovsky Particle - Phlebotinum with consistent rules and properties, that are applied the same way from scene to scene and story to story.
- MacGuffin - Phlebotinum that does nothing, except be valuable or desirable, and thus drive the plot by extension. It's not really phlebotinum, but it serves a similar purpose.
To further explain those three categories, we'll briefly discuss Gold. In the real world, gold has various applications in science and technology, and obviously obeys the laws of physics, making it the real-world equivalent of a Minovsky Particle. However, in most fiction, if gold is mentioned, it's purely for its monetary value and they way that pursuit of it motivates people, making it a MacGuffin. In order for gold to be the real-world equivalent of green rocks, it'd need to unpredictably magical, turn people into fearsome mutants, or the like.
If the phlebotinum is weaponised, expect it to be considered Depleted Phlebotinum Shells - whatever form it actually takes.
Possible Phlebotinum
Here's some links to pages on things that might work as Phlebotinum in your campaign. You're of course welcome (and encouraged) to invent your own, but sometimes it's easier to steal from science, alternative science, alchemy, or the movies.
- Alien Biology
- Bose-Einstein condensate
- Carbon Nanotube
- Computronium
- Dark Fluid
- Dark Matter
- Degenerate Matter
- Exotic Atom
- Exotic Matter
- Fifth Element
- Fullerene aka Buckyball
- Garlic
- Hypothetical Types of Biochemistry
- Lumineferous Aether
- Mana
- Metallic Hydrogen
- Meteoric Iron
- Mirror Matter
- Muonium
- Mummia
- Nanite / Nanotechnology
- the Net (substance)
- Non-Baryonic Matter
- Phlogiston
- Perceptonium
- Red Mercury
- Shadow Life
- Silver
- Solar Fuel
- Strange Matter
- Supercritical Fluid
- Superfluid
- Supersolid
- Tachyon
- Time Crystal
- Wolfsbane
Related Tropes
- Aesoptinum
- Badass Blink
- Bamboo Technology
- Big Red Button
- Black Box
- Book Of Shadows
- By The Power Of Greyskull
- Caffeine Bullet Time
- Carrying The Antidote
- Clingy MacGuffin
- Cloning Blues
- Collapsing Lair
- Containment Field
- The Dark Side
- Deflector Shields
- Disability Superpower
- Depleted Phlebotinum Shells
- Do Anything Robot
- Elements Do Not Work That Way
- Energy Absorption
- Every Car Is A Pinto
- Everything Sensor
- Exact Time To Failure
- Explosive Instrumentation
- Failsafe Failure
- Faster Than Light Travel
- Fonzarelli Fix
- The Force
- Forgotten Phlebotinum
- Forgotten Superweapon
- Functional Magic
- Gorgon Gazing
- Grappling Hook Pistol
- Green Lantern Ring
- Green Rocks
- Gravity Sucks
- Hand Wave
- Hard Light
- Helping Hands
- Hidden Wire
- Holding Back The Phlebotinum
- Human Popsicle
- Hypno Ray
- Imported Alien Phlebotinum
- Incredibly Obvious Bug
- Inertial Dampening
- Infinite Supplies
- Infrared Xray Camera
- Inverse Law Of Utility And Lethality
- Invisibility Cloak
- Involuntary Shapeshifting
- It Runs On Nonsensoleum
- Lacus Dust
- Lego Genetics
- Lightning Can Do Anything
- Love Potion
- Lost Technology
- Made Of Explodium
- Magic Antidote
- Magic A Is Magic A
- Magi Babble
- Magic From Technology
- Magic Music
- Magic Plastic Surgery
- Magic Tool
- May Contain Evil
- Menstrual Menace
- Mind Control Device
- Mind Probe
- Misapplied Phlebotinum
- Mobile Suit Human
- My Car Hates Me
- Nanomachines
- No Water Proofing In The Future
- Obfuscated Interface
- Plot Sensitive Items
- Phlebotinum Analogy
- Phlebotinum Bomb
- Phlebotinum Breakdown
- Phlebotinum Du Jour
- Phlebotinum Induced Stupidity
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Placebotinum Effect
- Plot Coupons
- Portal Picture
- Portal Pool
- Professor Guinea Pig
- Projected Man
- Psychic Nosebleed
- Public Domain Artifact
- Pure Energy
- Readings Are Off The Scale
- Red Wire Blue Wire
- Reinventing The Telephone
- Rewriting Reality
- Restraining Bolt
- Reverse Polarity
- Robinson Goldberg Contraption
- Secret Project Refugee Family
- Self Destruct Mechanism
- Shoe Phone
- Soul Fragment
- Soylent Green
- Space Is Magic
- Spy Satellites
- Swirly Energy Thingy
- Techno Babble
- Thirty Second Blackout
- Tim Taylor Technology
- Time Stands Still
- Time Travel
- Too Spicy For Yog Sothoth
- Toxic Phlebotinum
- Transformation Ray
- Transformation Trinket
- Translator Microbes
- Truth Serums
- Unobtainium
- Upgrade Artifact
- Virgin Power
- Virgin Sacrifice
- Virtual Ghost
- Weapon Of Mass Destruction
- We Have Forgotten The Phlebotinum
- Wheel Of Pain
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
- Words Can Break My Bones
- Zillion Dollar Bill
Tv Tropes Wiki entry on Applied Phlebotinum
Wikipedia entry on Gold
Game and Story Use
- Adventurers will crave applied phlebotinum if it gives them some sort of power, and go to great lengths to retrieve it.
- Alternatively, it might be "too dangerous", and require the player characters to figure out how to destroy it.
- Though it's likely that the player characters will still figure out some way of using it to their advantage. They tend to be inventive like that.
- Which of the three categories your Phlebotinum falls into will define the type of campaign you're running, or vice versa.
- Minkovsky Particles provide the most verisimilitude, and tend to be useful in cerebral and serious games.The players can rely on this form of Phlebotinum to behave in predictable ways, figure out clever new applications for it, and understand it in-character. If you want your phlebotinum to be a resource for the players, or enable them to play a knowledgeable expert on the Applications of your campaign's Phlebotinum, it'll be worth the extra effort of making things logical and consistent.
- Green Rocks keeps the plot extremely exciting, powering up all sorts of craziness from session to session. If you're looking to keep the players on their toes, try green rocks. The downside is that it's really hard for someone to play a character who is an expert on Green Rocks, since they're so unpredictable and operate on the Hand Wave principle.
- A MacGuffin is the most mundane version. Like dilithium crystals in Star Trek - we know they're valuable, and they somehow power a warp core, but mostly they just exist so we have a hand-wave explanation of why the ship has to stop at this week's Planet of Hats to refuel.
- Green rocks works really well for something that is meant to be chaotic but powerful - Games Workshop's warpstone is presented as solidified chaos and useful for a wide variety of uses - powering magic, used as fuel, ammunition or propellant and even as food or a drug substance - but always with nasty side effects including mutation and insanity. In setting there is very little basis for saying that warpstone can't do something if applied properly.