Basic Information
Canada is a large country located on the most of the top half of North America. It is the 2nd largest country in the world. Canada is made up by 10 provinces and 3 territories. It has a population density of 3 people per square km, which is one of the worlds lowest. It is proud to be a multi-cultural country, and its citizens are peoples of many faiths and languages. It shares land borders with the USA to the south and Northwest.
It has been populated by the continent's Native Peoples for millennia. In 1003 a Viking settlement was established on what is known today as the tip of Newfoundlands Northern Peninsula. In 1497 John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) made landfall on Newfoundland, 'discovering' North America. Exploration and settlement of the area started in the late 1500s, mostly by the French and the English, along the Atlantic coast. Settlements and exploration pressed westward as time passed and more people came to the lands.
Canada became a country in 1867, at the time it had 4 provinces. It was a federal dominion belonging to the United Kingdom. With the addition of extra provinces and territories Canada moved closer to becoming its own country. In 1982, with the passing of the Canada Act, Canada's legal dependence on the British parliament was ended. The British Monarchy still remain the titular rulers of the country, though they have little actual involvement with the running of the country.
Canada's 10 provinces are: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia.
Canada's 3 territories are: The Northwest Territory, The Yukon and Nunavut.
Canada covers a wide range of geography and temperatures. It is bordered by three oceans, and has the longest amount of coastline in the world. The three oceans are, the Atlantic to the east, the Pacific to the west and the Arctic to the north. Canada has many mountains, and in the west, several active volcano that are part of the Ring of Fire. The last known eruption in Canada happened in 1775, and was the Tseax River Cone in British Columbia.
Towns and Cities
Other Locations
See Also
- News: Raiding The Icebox - existing plans for an US invasion of Canada.
Game and Story Use
- Due to being a gigantic country full with a population of multi-cultured people, places in Canada could be used in numerous ways for Role playing. Urban Fantasy games would do well based any any city or large town. Canada's history can and has been used for a variety of historical based games. As with any place, post-apocalyptic gaming could be built around any community, but Canada has a number of close military bases scattered across the country, all of them have been stripped of military equipment, but they would make excellent places for set such a game.