Characterization Tropes
Basic Information
Characterization tropes are narrative tropes that flesh out characters in a story beyond their intended function for the plot. Contrast with Characters As Device.
List of Characterization Tropes
- A House Divided
- Addiction Displacement
- Admiring the Abomination
- Age Appropriate Angst
- Air Hugging
- All Of The Other Reindeer
- Always Camp
- Angst Dissonance
- Animal Jingoism
- Backstory
- Baddie Flattery
- Beautiful All Along
- Being Personal Isn't Professional
- Belated Backstory
- Betty And Veronica
- Beware The Honest Ones
- Beware The Nice Ones
- Black Knight
- Blood Brothers
- Blood Splattered Innocents
- Born In The Wrong Century
- Born Winner
- Break The Cutie
- Break The Haughty
- Brilliant But Lazy
- The Bumblebee
- The Butcher
- Call to Agriculture
- Catch Phrase
- Cats Are Mean
- The Chains Of Commanding
- Character Alignment
- Character Calculus
- Character Derailment
- Character Development
- Character Tics
- Chekhovs Skill
- Children Are Innocent
- Choleric Personality
- Chronic Villainy
- Cincinnatus
- Civillain
- The Clark Kent Effect
- Closer To Earth
- The Cobblers Children Have No Shoes
- Combat Pragmatist
- Common Sense
- Commuting On A Bus
- Cool Loser
- Cracking Up
- Crazy Cat Lady
- Crouching Support Hidden Batshit
- Daddy's Girl
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Depending On The Writer
- Disco Dan
- Donor
- Donut Mess With A Cop
- Drink Order
- Driven To Suicide
- Dungeonmaster's Girlfriend
- Dynamic Entry
- Early Adopter
- Epiphany Therapy
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Everybody Smokes
- Evil Laugh
- Expy
- Eye Take
- Face Heel Turn
- Failson
- Famous Ancestor
- Fatal Flaw
- Fat Monica
- Flanderization
- Flaw Exploitation
- Former Teen Rebel
- Four-Temperment Ensemble
- The Freddy
- Freudian Excuse
- French Jerk
- Friend To All Living Things
- Frog Prince
- The Glorious War Of Sisterly Rivalry
- Go Karting With Bowser
- Good Is Impotent
- Good Is Not Nice
- Greed
- Grudging Thank You
- The Gump
- Gut Feeling
- Has Two Mommies
- Headphones Equal Isolation
- Heart Trauma
- Heel Face Turn
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Heroic Bastard
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- Historical Hero Upgrade
- Historical Villain Upgrade
- Hollywood Dress Code
- Honor Before Reason
- Horrible Judge Of Character
- Hot Blooded
- Hulk Speak
- Hyper Awareness
- I Coulda Been A Contender
- I Have Brothers
- I Have You Now My Pretty
- I Kiss Your Hand
- Immortal Immaturity
- Improbable Age
- Innocence Virgin On Stupidity
- Insists On Paying
- Intergenerational Friendship
- Invisible Celebrity Guest
- I Want You To Meet An Old Friend Of Mine
- I Want To Be A Real Man
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Facade
- Kick Them While They Are Down
- Kids Are Cruel
- Large And In Charge
- Lawful Stupid Chaotic Stupid
- Leaning On The Furniture
- Licking The Blade
- Loners Are Freaks
- Madness Mantra
- Melancholic Personality
- The Minnesota Fats
- Messiah Creep
- Mook Face Turn
- More Than Meets The Eye
- Motive Decay
- Muscles Are Meaningless
- Naked On Arrival
- The Napoleon
- Neat Freak
- Never Got To Say Goodbye
- No Sympathy
- Not Helping Your Case
- Not That Kind Of Doctor
- Number One Dime
- Older Than They Look
- Orcus On His Throne
- Opposites Attract
- Oral Fixation Fixation
- Over And Under The Top
- Pastimes Prove Personality
- People in Rubber Suits
- Perpetual Expression
- Personality Powers
- Pet The Dog
- Phlegmatic Personality
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
- Popular Is Dumb
- Possession Sue
- Post Historical Trauma
- Put On A Bus
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Red Oni Blue Oni
- Redemption In The Rain
- Reformed But Rejected
- Relationship Writing Fumble
- Repeat What You Just Said
- Rescued From The Scrappy Heap
- Rival Science Teams
- Rhymes On A Dime
- Sanguine Personality
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- Scooby Snacks
- Screamer Victim
- Screaming Warrior
- Scully Syndrome
- Selective Slaughter
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- She Is All Grown Up
- Sherlock Scan
- Shoot The Dog
- Shorter Means Smarter
- Simple Staff
- Single Issue Psychology
- Slouch Of Villainy
- Slytherin House
- Smoking Is Cool
- Sorry I Fell On Your Fist
- Spikeification
- Stay In The Kitchen
- Stock Yuck
- Strange Salute
- Such A Lovely Noun
- Suck My Rose
- Surname First Name Surname
- Survival Mantra
- Sweet Tooth
- Swiss Army Appendage
- Sympathetic Murderer
- Talkative Loons
- That Man Is Dead
- There Are No Good Executives
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs
- Token Development
- Took A Level In Badass
- Trademark Favorite Food
- Trope Mobile
- True Neutral
- Twitchy Eye
- Unintentionally Sympathetic
- Uninvited Guest
- The Universal Genre Savvy Guide
- Unwanted Spouse
- Urban Legend Love Life
- Villain Corner
- Villain Decay
- Villainous Breakdown
- Vitriolic Best Buds
- Weapon Of Choice
- What Is This Feeling
- What The Hell Hero
- What You Are In The Dark
- Where I Was Born And Razed
- While Rome Burns
- Whip It Good
- Who's Laughing Now
- Who Wants To Live Forever
- Why Couldn't You Be Different
- WildCard
- With Friends Like These
- The Woman Wearing The Queenly Mask
- The Worf Effect
- World Of Cardboard Speech
- Wrong Genre Savvy
- Write Who You Know
- Younger Than They Look
- Your Days Are Numbered
See Also
- Accent Tropes
- Character Derailment
- Foils
- Gender And Sexuality Tropes
- Happiness Tropes
- Improbable Behavior Tropes
- Madness Tropes
- Mary Sue Tropes
- More Than Meets The Eye
- Naming Conventions
- Personal Appearance Tropes
- Sadness Tropes
Game and Story Use
- Pick out a few of those to make your characters - both PCs and NPCs - more real, or at least more interesting.
page revision: 20, last edited: 11 May 2023 15:53