Child Hater
"Anyone who hates children and animals can't be all bad. "
— W.C. Fields
"Why they're just smaller versions of us, ya know, and I'm not so crazy about me in the first place."
— Poopdeck Pappy
Basic Information
A child hater is a character who loathes children. If he or she outright attacks or schemes against them, the character may verge into outright villain territory.
See Also
Game and Story Use
- Child Haters are probably mostly local color, unless the player characters themselves are children - then a Child Hater may even become the main villain. Still, saving kidnapped children from a terrible fate always looks good in an adventurer's career…
- Played for comedy and/or sentiment, an avowed child-hater may well have a soft spot under his crumudgeonly exterior. Even Mister Wilson must have some affection for Dennis the Menace; otherwise he would have strangled the little pest years ago.
- Then again, the guy might also just be a jerk through-and-through.
- Even greater for comedy is the "cat effect guy" - who hates kids, but finds that this just attracts them
- This is a common characterization trope for the drifter and similar types - misanthropy is pretty much to be expected of them, and this may be one reason they can't bear to settle down. These types sometimes get saddled with a kid sidekick for the laughs.
- Comedy with unfortunate implications develops when one of these ends up in a job where they are forced to work with children … the more subversive creator may even have the child hater assigned to such a job by some kind of rosy-tinted meddler "so that they can find out how wonderful children really are", with unpleasant results all around.
page revision: 6, last edited: 14 Aug 2018 15:04