Cool Big Sis
Basic Information
Some big sisters can be a pain. Then there's the Cool Big Sis. She's maybe not that much older, but she's a little more experienced, a little more practiced in the ways of the world. She has a driver's license and maybe even is old enough to drink. She's the one who teaches her younger sister how to put on lipstick, or how to deal with boys. And she'll usually stand up for her in a tight spot.
In narrative terms, this is a mentor archetype.
Game and Story Use
- The Cool Big Sis is almost by definition an NPC, to a PC who is a younger character.
- As noted above, she doesn't have to be that much older, but can be - even to the extent of being a less august member of the protagonist's parent's generation.
- Not necessarily, though. A PC could take on the role of Big Sister to an NPC dependent, or even a younger PC, becoming a mentor figure and protector.
- Can, for example, include the Action Girl as a protector to a more "nerdy" character - but perhaps flip the relationship when the action girl needs to put on an evening gown and know which fork to use in formal company.
- This role can also serve as a sort of "anima-mentor" to a male character. If the relationship becomes sexualised, Mrs Robinson may appear instead.
- Despite being a peer to the protagonists of the American Pie films, the character Jessica takes on a substantial part of this role.
page revision: 6, last edited: 21 Apr 2022 13:53