Basic Information
The Dark Planet is essentially Mordor in space. It's continuously night, with a nasty storm brewing. There's pretty good odds it'll be a Death World, Desert Planet, Ice Planet, Volcano Planet, or some combination. After all, no light means no photosynthesis, and without that it's tricky for life to gain a foothold and an ecosystem to develop. Chances are the Big Bad Evil Guy lives here, in his imposing Evil Tower Of Ominousness.
Not necessarily, though. In the Legion of Super-Heroes comics, the planet Kathoon was a Dark Planet with no villainous connotations at all. It was the home of Night Girl, who was rejected by the Legion because her super-powers only worked in darkness. Later on in the comics it was established that Kathoon is a popular resort planet particularly noted as a honeymoon destination. For obvious reasons.
Game and Story Use
- As with the Desert Planet and Ice Planet, the Dark Planet is lacking in plants, and thus has no steady source of oxygen. For solutions on how to deal with that, see either Desert Planet and/or Hypothetical Types Of Biochemistry.