I'd like to remind people about the Bibliography section and encourage people to help me fill out the links. I've roughed out a couple of them, but I can only cite sources that I'm familiar with and would appreciate additions to to cover my lacunae; (which I think is Latin for butt)
The Bibliography pages are lists of possible source material for a specific genre of game. The format I've been using is something like this. I'm open to any suggestions for improvements:
This is a Bibliography page for useful resources in the ( insert name of ) genre, (give brief description of the genre)
- Author's Last Name, First Name
- Book Titles in Italics (year of publication) — followed by comments, if you feel ambitious
- Next Author, Alphabetically by Last Name
- Name of Movie in Italics and listed alphabetically (year of release) comments
- Sequels appear as sub-points (1984)
- Remakes, too (1985)
TV Series
- Title of series (years of the series' original run) — comments
- Title of series or movie (year of release) — comments
- Title of comic (publisher) — comments
- //Name of Game or supplement (publisher)
"All the World's a Stage and Everyone's a Critic" — Mervyn Alquist