Thanks for the contribution … although we may need to clean this one up a bit for style and spelling.
Cleaned up … I think I've carried all the key points over, but haven't deleted the OP yet until I know what he meant by "wat die johan and sends through art". Then added some extra stuff.
I think we can delete that original text. Yeah, it reads a little bit like Old or Middle English, but it also sounds a bit like lolcat. Johan can has cheezburger. I googled "wit die johan" and arcanawiki is literally the only result, so I don't think it's a quote from any old text.
"Fletcher makes arrox. wit die johan and sends though art sell to knights for warrrr. he could peeesand ow freeman. salo make boww" sounds like someone having a larf at us. Even if it wasn't a prank, it's only going to confuse most readers. So we should delete it. If the original poster (or anyone else who reads this) has an explanation for the original text, they can always edit it back in, along with the explanation or attribution.
Question: Should I disable anonymous editing?
I once thought that it might encourage other people to contribute without registering, but that doesn't seem to have had much success…
The Spambot Death Wall
Arcana Wiki - Distilling the Real World for Gaming
Urbis - A World of Cities - an urban fantasy setting of industrial magic
I just assumed that it was someone with very limited English skills, but it could well be someone being a tit as well.
Some of the recent anonymous edits do seem to have been a bit … wierd … how does the record look historically for "usable contributions" vs. "wierd scrawling" vs. "spam".
I did one anon. recently because I'd somehow logged out without noticing…
I strongly suspect the original fletcher post was just someone being cute. You ever see the very first version of our "Jason & The Argonauts" page?
I bet most of these 1-line tongue-in-cheek pages come about because people visiting for the first (few) time(s). Not knowing the color-coding, they click on dead links, and then feel obligated to type something to the page they just accidentally created. Getting rid of anonymous edits should prevent most of that. For the record, I don't see much benefit to continuing to allow anonymous edits. Setting up an account is easy and free, so I doubt it's much of a barrier to anyone that really wants to contribute.
I suppose it's possible, in the case of the Fletcher page, that it was someone just making an honest mistake, but I doubt it. I can't get inside the mindset that would mistakenly spell "war" with four r's. I'd think that'd be an obvious mistake regardless of primary language or level of education. But since you're giving them the benefit of a doubt, I'll also try to keep my mind open to the possibility that they had something meaningful to contribute but were battling with an incomplete understanding of English and a broken keyboard. If that proves to be the case, I'll gladly apologize for jumping to conclusions.