Hound Of Tindalos
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Basic Information

The Hounds of Tindalos are a type of cthulhu mythos creature first described by Frank Belknap Long in the eponymous 1929 short story. "Described" may be something of an overstatement as no actual description is given - the name of "hounds" derives more from their behaviour than any known appearance. They are said to derive from the angles of time, as opposed to the curves, which are the source of most normal creatures (whatever that may mean) but tend to hang about the distant past of earth where they serve as a form of clock roach, fastening their attention to those who engage in excessive time travel (especially those who probe into the ancient past) and relentlessly hunting them down through time. Having located a victim, the hounds can then manifest through any corner of less than 120' and attack - there are no known survivors (hence the lack of descriptions) but they are believed to attack with some kind of corrosive tongue, tentacle or pseudopod and leave a bluish slime in their wake.


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Game and Story Use

  • The hounds are literally four dimensional - for them, time is a distance in its own right, and so there is a delay between them fixing on a target, and them arriving from whatever distant time they start in to the era in which their quarry resides.
  • Refuge from the hounds is known to be found in a space which contains no angles below 120' … if you can find or create one. It is unknown how long they stay interested in a quarry.
  • It may be possible to fight these things, but there is no record of anyone successfully doing so … equally there may be magic out there that can summon, target, ward off or dismiss them.
  • Presumably the Great Race of Yith know something, as they are forever wandering about in time and seem to avoid the hounds.
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