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Basic Information

An infant is a human child at the earliest stage of its development. The term is also used for the young of other primates - and presumably would be used for non-human sapients as well.

See Also



Game and Story Use

  • Infants are regarded as "cute" and "in need of protection" by humans on an instinctual level. Therefore, it is common for the particularly sadistic villainsto mistreat and kill babies in particularly gruesome manners so that the audience understands how evil this guy really is.
  • Alternatively, infants are sometimes transformed into undead or demonic monstrosities. This is generally considered to be far more creepy than doing the same to adults - these transformed babies might not be much of a threat, but they are much more disturbing.
    • Not just transformed - fantasy biology (and many real world myths) incorporate all manner of things cross breeding with humans - the cambion, for example, is half demon (or devil if there's a difference), as were the nephilim. But there may be a question of what measure is a non-human - when is a human hybrid an abomination and when is it merely a child? Half-deep one? Half-orc? Bearing in mind that there are still people about who think that mixing different races of human is abominable, there is almost certain to be someone who objects to mixing less similar bloodlines. Sometimes they may be right.
    • What do you do when faced with the infant antichrist?
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