Interpretatio Cthulhiana - Deities
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Basic Information

See Interpretatio Cthulhiana for more details. See Interpretatio Cthulhiana - Creatures for the list of lesser species in the Cthulhu Mythos.

This page lists the various deities and greater entities of the Cthulhu Mythos - the Elder Gods, Great Old Ones, Great Ones, and Outer Gods - as well as their associations from real world mythology and folklore. See the List of Mythologies, Mythological Characters, and Mythological Creatures for possibilities.

Elder Gods

Great Old Ones

Great Ones

Outer Gods

  • Abhoth:
  • Azathoth:
    • Gnosticism: The Gnostic Demiurge which created the material world, sometimes called the "blind god", is quite parallel to Azathoth, blind idiot god that created the universe.
    • Egyptian Mythology: As Nyarlathotep is Thoth, so Aza-thoth ("the power behind Thoth") would be Ra of whom Thoth is the heart and tongue. Also, Ra was a solar deity and Azathoth is sometimes described as a "monstrous nuclear chaos" and has parts of himself bound to serve as quasi-atomic power sources for the temple-ships of the Shan.
  • Daoloth:
  • Ghroth:
  • The Hydra:
  • Lesser Outer Gods:
  • The Nameless Mist:
  • Nyarlathotep:
    • Classical Mythology: As the messenger of the outer gods, Nyarlathotep may be the shadow-self of Mercury or Hermes. See also Hermanubis.
    • Egyptian Mythology: Thoth is said to be heart and tongue of Ra - Nyarlathotep is said to have a similar relationship with Azathoth. Also Azathoth translates roughly as "power behind Thoth". Lovecraft said Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt, was of the "old native blood", and looked like a Pharaoh. There are also several other "masks" (including "The Black Pharaoh" with overtly Egyptian themes.
    • Witchcraft and Folklore: Clearly associated with Christian folk-tradition depictions of The Devil, especially in regards to the Salem Witch Trials - The Black Man of the witch cults is often identified as a mask of Nyarlathotep.
  • Shub-Niggurath:
    • Greek Mythology: Dionysus cults might worship her in disguise, especially if they emphasize the fertility aspects.
    • Roman Mythology: Cybele was associated with her by Lovecraft himself.
    • Greek Mythology: Hecate - on several occasions the Dark Mother is invoked as "Gorgo, Mormo, Dark Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young" … possibly the Hecate connection is via the symbolism of the thousand faced moon.
    • Mesopotamian Mythology: Tiamat - ancient, female, primordial, chaos … with fertility aspects…
  • Ubbo-Sathla:
    • Gaia from Greek Mythology, or any earth-mother goddess from any other mythology. Ubbo-Sathla gave birth to the ancestors of all earthly life.
  • Yidhra:
  • Yog-Sothoth:
    • Greek Mythology: Hecate - she is associated with borders and doorways (gates?), and her presence is heralded by the barking of dogs - and the dogs went wild in "The Dunwich Horror" when the sons of Yog-Sothoth got near them!
    • Greek Mythology: Zeus - he is also prone to fathering children with mortal women, and when Semele (the mother of Dionysus) demanded that he appear before her in his true form, she was burned to ashes because mortals cannot survive looking upon the undisguised appearance of gods. Of course, this makes one wonder about all those demigods fathered by Zeus, starting with Heracles
    • In certain philosophical offshoots of Greek myth (such as the Pentemychos), Chronos (Time) becomes a primordial deity.
    • Roman-mythology: Portunes … keys? Gates? Doorways? Check…
    • Yahweh - It might be that the entity appearing to Moses on the Biblical Mount Sinai was actually an avatar of Yog-Sothoth. If true, this entity might still be trapped there.
    • Zurvanism - In this offshoot of Zoroastrianism, Zurvan is seen as a primordial deity of time, space, and fate. This entity also appears in Theosophy, as well as Manichaeism and Sogdian Buddhism.


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