Millionaire Playboy
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"I've got women lined up outside my door;
They've been waiting there since the week before;
Who could ask for more?
This is the life!"

— "Werid Al" Yankovic

Basic Information

He's the guy with a beautiful woman on each arm, his pockets full of cash and a sports car that costs more than some small countries. He's not just a Casanova, he's an obscenely-rich Casanova, thank you. And what's the point of being rich if you can't enjoy it?

This trope covers a multitude of subtypes from the Gentleman Adventurer to the Failson.


Game and Story Use

  • Can be difficult to incorporate into a group as a PC, because he might short-circuit the plot by throwing money at it. On the other hand, he can also be a useful supplier of equipment and stuff for the Party
    • The idle rich individual is a staple of early 20th century fiction - whether cthulhu mythos or anything else. They, after all, are the ones who can drop what little they were doing, fly across the world and charter an expedition up the Hung-Munga river … or just spend a couple of weeks minding someone else's business on no notice. They can also afford to waste their time and money on hobbies - like natural philosophy, occultism or archaeology that wouldn't provide a living for someone who needed one.
  • He could make a good NPC party Patron
  • He could make an even better adversary, and a difficult one to defeat.
  • He might need protection from powerful enemies/jealous boyfriends.
  • As Bruce Wayne demonstrates, it can also be a useful cover identity.
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