This page serves as a quick and convenient way to create a random nation, similar to the way the Random Characters generator creates a character. Each nation consists of certain random elements within specific categories. These random elements in turn link to specific Arcana Wiki pages which have the appropriate tag (so that the Random Generator can find them).
This Random Generator is intended to get your creative juices flowing, not restrain you. Thus, discard anything that doesn't fit your own ideas!
As an example on how to use it, see the essay "Using the Random Nations Generator". Further examples ranging from constructing small villages to whole planets can be found on this blog
Note: The Random Page function presently does not refresh very often, so wait one or more minutes before reloading the page.
This section covers the government and major organizations that exert power over the nation and the way people live.
Type of Government
All societies have some way of getting things done as a whole, and the type of government describes this aspect. However, few societies are examples of "pure" government types, so aspects of two or more government forms might be evident.
This category is based on the various types of government listed on the Government entry. If you do create such entries, give them the rng_government tag.
Choose this tab to give your nation a single government type, that's (relatively) easy to understand and envision.
Roman Kingdom |
Basic Information The Roman Kingdom is the period of Ancient Rome from 753 BC to 509 BC. This era starts with the founding of the city of Rome, and lasts until the revolution and overthrow of the last...
Complex political systems and coalition governments can be made using this tab. Simply roll a d6, and use that many forms of government off the top of the list. You may combine them for a complicated hybrid governement, or assign each government type to a different county or region within the nation.
Democracy |
'democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’ Winston S. Churchill Basic Information Democracy is a form of government. In it,...
Consociational State |
Basic Information A Consociational State is a state which has major splits along ethnic, religious, cultural, or linguistic lines in a way that keeps one group from dominating the others, but which...
Feudalism |
Basic Information Feudalism is a blanket term used to describe the forms of government common to Europe during the middle ages] (although similar forms existed in other places at other times). Central...
Puppet State |
Basic Information A puppet state represents a nation whose government is effectively controlled by a foreign power - this can include the governments of self-administrating colonies and autonomous...
Honourable East India Company |
Basic Information Of all the Great Powers of the modern period, it has been said that Great Britain was the only one that acquired its Empire by accident. This is not entirely true (nor, it must be...
Plutocracy |
Basic Information A Plutocracy is a form of government where wealth directly translates into political power. This may mean that wealthy people automatically get more votes than poor ones, or that it...
Powerful Organizations
This category lists powerful and/or famous organizations of the nation. As many of the possible entries are real world organizations, alter them to make them fit into your setting.
If you want to add new organizations to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_org tag. Pick organizations which could relatively easily be altered to different settings.
If you choose this tab, this organization holds tremendous power. They may control the government, the church, or other major aspects of society, either openly or covertly.
Oprichnik |
Basic Information An Oprichnik is a member of the secret police and death squads in service of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Fun facts about the Oprichniks Oprichniks dressed in black monastic habits, and...
It may be helpful to assume that the higher the organization is on this list, the greater their influence and/or larger their membership.
Project Vigilant |
Basic Information Project Vigilant is possibly a secret affiliation of 500 mostly-volunteers who have been watching internet traffic for the past 14 years, and providing intelligence to the U.S....
Biker Gang |
Basic Information The term biker gang might refer to a mundane Motorcycle Club or to rowdy Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. The later are sometimes referred to as One Percenters , as in 99% percent of...
Cathars |
Basic Information The Cathars (also known as Albigensians, Bougres, Bulgars, or Bons Hommes et Bonnes Femmes) were a gnostic, dualistic sect of Christianity. They believed the world was created by one...
Triads |
Basic Information Triad is a term that describes a version of Organized Crime that started in China and has spread to many cities with large Chinese populations. Like many organized crime traditions...
Yakuza |
Basic Information The yakuza are organized crime syndicates originating in Japan. There are currently three main families or syndicates of yakuza, and several smaller organizations. These mafia-esque...
Gangs Of Old New York |
Basic Information New York City in the 19th Century (and early 20th Century) featured several Street Gangs that seem almost surreal from the modern perspective. No doubt some of the claims have been...
Royal Navy |
Basic Information The Navy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is referred to solely as the Royal Navy, never the Royal British Navy or the British Navy (British Royal Navy...
Amway |
Basic Information Amway is an American company whose selling strategies have often been compared to Pyramid schemes. See Also Milkman Conspiracy Sources Bibliography 1. RPGNet thread 2. Wikipedia...
Majestic 12 |
Adept 34501, Order of the Night Sky, Third Rank: Those Who Rule in Majesty, the Twelve, have set you to watch over this place and record all that may happen so we may benefit from your observations,...
Cult |
Basic Information A cult specifically is a discreete body of religious practice within a more general religion - the word derives from the latin cultus meaning care or tending 1 and encompasses a...
Major Personalities
Each nation has its share of powerful or famous individuals.
Use the entries in the following tabs as inspiration for such individuals. Only a very weird dimension-hopping or time-travel game would feature the actual people mentioned here. Instead, use the listings here as a inspirational concept to emulate when designing your own NPCs.
This category is primarily fed by entries from the People page, though some entries from the Fictional Characters page might qualify as well. If you want to add new people to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_people tag.
Tubal-Cain |
Jubal sang of the golden years Uhen wars and wounds shall cease - But Tubal fashioned the hand-flung spears And showed his neighbours peace New - new as Nine-point-Two Older than Lamech's slain -...
Michael Scott |
Basic Information Michael Scott (or Scot), also known as Aqua Ardens ( burning water ) and The Wizard of Balwearie was a Scottish scholar, priest, mathematician, alchemist and occultist who lived from...
Albert Einstein |
Basic Information Albert Einstein is best known for E=MC2 (the most famous equation in science), and for his hair. His name is synonymous with genius . He's been the model for numerous...
Mose the Fireboy |
Basic Information Mose the Fireboy (also known as Mose the Bowery Boy or Mose the B'hoy) is an obscure early American folk hero, most likely based on real life Bowery Boy gang leader Mose Humphrey. As...
Ching Shih |
Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! Sources Bibliography 1. The Greatest Pirate Who Ever Lived 2. Wikipedia entry Game and Story Use
Christopher Marlowe |
Basic Information Christopher Marlowe was a noted poet and playwright of the Elizabethan Era and a contemporary of William Shakespeare. He was the epitome of the maxim: Live fast, die young, and...
Veronica Franco |
When we too are armed and trained, we can convince men that we have hands, feet, and a heart like yours; and although we may be delicate and soft, some men who are delicate are also strong; and...
White House Gunfighters |
Basic Information Theodore Roosevelt was somewhat more badass than your average President of the United States. He was also real big into law and order and overall strongly pro-police. Roosevelt...
Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben |
Basic Information He was not technically a baron, although he called himself one; but at the time, George Washington could use all the help he could get, and in Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben,...
Bonnot Gang |
Basic Information In 1911 and 1912, several bank robber/car thief/criminals with strong anarchist political leanings confounded the police of France and Belgium. These troublemakers used...
Harriet Quimby |
The men flyers have given out the impression that aeroplaning is very perilous work, something that an ordinary mortal should not dream of attempting. But when I saw how easily the man flyers...
Major Political Issues
Each nation has "hot" political issues which are argued and fought over (physically or not). Use the entries in the following tabs as inspiration for what issues could divide your nation - or which are simply in the minds of the public at the moment.
This category is primarily fed by news entries from the List of Centuries page. If you want to add new political issues to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_politics tag.
China Enacting A High-Tech Plan To Track People |
Summary August 12, 2007: This article describes how China is planning to implement technology to keep tabs on its citizens. Source Bibliography 1. Original article Game and Story Use This would...
Slavery |
Basic Information Slavery is an institution by which sapient individuals are held as property by other persons and compelled to perform labour for them. Which is about as far as it is possible to...
Mexico's death cult protests shrine destruction |
Summary April 5, 2009: Mexican followers of Santa Muerte protested the destruction of more than 30 shrines in the city of Nuevo Laredo (close to the border to Texas) by the authorities. This was...
Somalia’s Pirates Flourish in a Lawless Nation |
Summary October 30, 2008: Piracy based in the Puntland province of Somalia preying on ships passing near the Horn of Africa has become rampant, disrupting regular commerce and leading to numerous...
Field Of The Cloth Of Gold |
Basic Information For most of a month (June 7 to June 24) in 1520, Henry VIII of England and Francis I of France put on an incredible party to celebrate the peace between their nations. (They had been...
Sailor Trapped Aboard Cargo Ship For Four Years |
Summary April 30, 2021: The article tells the tale of the first mate of a cargo ship that has been forced to live alone on anchored ship for four years. The owner of the vessel wracked up huge debts,...
Extraterritoriality |
Basic Information Extraterritoriality is the phenomenon whereby a portion of land, apparently part of the territory of one power centre (and usually enclosed by that power centre's other territory)...
Major Projects
Some nations have major national projects they pursue towards specific goals. There is some overlap with Organizations above, but projects are more about achieving certain goals than a general political, ideological, or economic motivation. Use the entries in the following tabs as inspiration.
If you want to add new projects to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_project tag.
Scientists Make Teleportation Breakthrough |
Summary April 15, 2011: A team of scientists at the University of Tokyo have successfully teleported wave packets of light by destroying them in one place and re-creating them in another. The...
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions |
Basic Information Like convenitional explosives, nuclear bombs could be put in use other than killing one's enemies during the wartime. Most of the major nuclear countries were pondering such use for...
Lyons-Dubai |
Summary January 15, 2008: Lyons-Dubai City is a planned neighborhood of Dubai which will attempt to replicate parts of Lyons. Sources Bibliography 1. Original article Game and Story Use This might...
Sergei’s Litter |
Summary December 20, 2008: From the 1920s to the 1950s, a Soviet scientist named Sergei S. Bryukhonenko worked on reanimating dogs, as well as causing a severed dog's head to react to stimuli. He then...
Navigational Aid |
Basic Information A navigational aid can be one of two broad categories of things: A marker in a location designed to alert you to a hazard, such as a buoy or lighthouse. A tool or device to assist...
The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project |
Summary September 14, 2008: The United States armed forces have funded a project which attempts to create thought helmets which would allow its soldiers to communicate soundlessly by thinking loud ...
This section covers the commerce, artisans, technology, and economic system of the nation.
Tech Level
To be added later.
Type of Economy
This category lists the type of economy the nation has.
If you want to add new types of economic systems to the generator, go to the Economic system page, add new entries, and give them the rng_economy tag.
Robonomics |
Basic Information Robonomics is a type of possible economic system which assumes that robotic and digital systems will be able to do most of the productive work of society. Thus, society guarantees...
Bullion Coin |
Basic Information A bullion coin is a form of commodity money consisting of a coin struck (or more rarely carved) from a precious material. This will normally be a precious metal and historically this...
Robonomics |
Basic Information Robonomics is a type of possible economic system which assumes that robotic and digital systems will be able to do most of the productive work of society. Thus, society guarantees...
Resilience Economics |
Basic Information Resilience Economics is a type of possible economic system which resembles traditional capitalism, but in which economic actors are prevented from becoming too big to fail -...
King's Imprimatur |
Basic Information The King's Imprimatur refers to a monarch's Royal Seal or guarantee. The term may refer to a Royal Decree, or official approval, or just the symbol of such. On Money: The King's...
Dual Currencies |
Basic Information It's possible for a location or nation to recognize / use more than one currency at a time. There may be a Grain-based Local Currency and a National Currency that bears the King's...
Autarky |
Basic Information (This article concerns the economic system Autarky for the minarchist political system see Autarchy) Autarky simply means self-sufficiency , but it often comes with the implication...
Major Products and Exports
No nation exists in a vacuum. This part of the generator lists various trade goods - whether raw resources or advanced machinery. It is subdivided into several categories: raw resources, pre-industrial items, modern trade goods, sci-fi or futuristic items, and fantasy items. Use the tabs appropriate to your genre and setting. It helps make your nation more "real" if you use to use a few (d6?) items from earlier and simpler categories, as well. For example, a modern nation might mostly export modern items, but no doubt also has some natural resources to exploit.
If you want to add types of raw resources to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_resource tag.
For pre-industrial trade goods, give them the rng_pitg tag.
For modern trade goods, give them the rng_mtg tag.
For sci-fi trade goods, give them the rng_sftg tag.
For fantasy trade goods, give them the rng_ftg tag.
Sphagnum |
Basic Information Sphagnum is a type of moss commonly found in peat bogs. It can soak up lots of water (over 20 times its dry weight in water). Sphagnum has a acidic ph which is the reason why bogs...
Cold Iron |
Gold is for the mistress silver for the maid Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade. Good! said the Baron, sitting in his hall, But Iron Cold Iron is master of them all. (from)...
Tinder |
Basic Information Tinder is an essential part of the fire-lighting process - it is the material that is ignited by the initial spark and from which the fire lighter expects the flame to propagate to...
Amber |
Basic Information Amber is a biologically derived precious stone which consists of fossilised tree resin. Most forms of amber are clear - or at least translucent - and of a shade between orange and...
Calluna |
Basic Information Calluna Vulgaris, more commonly known as Heather or Ling, is a flowering plant common to the Heath (habitat) and Moorland of Europe. It thrives in acidic soil, such as found in many...
Woad |
Basic Information Isatis Tinctoria is a yellow flowering plant, native to Europe and related to cabbage and mustard. When the leaves of the plant are dried, powdered and fermented, they create a blue...
Artificial Beauty Mark |
Basic Information A beauty mark is a descriptive term for a mole, discoloration, or birthmark (or even a tumor), especially one on the face. In some cases the term is bordering on euphemism, though...
Gorget |
Basic Information The gorget is a piece of plate armour that protects the wearer's neck, normally mounting atop a breastplate or cuirass. This will normally be worn over at least a padded coif, and...
Hide Armour |
Basic Information Hide armour can refer to either of two different compositions. The first is a primitive form made from thick furs and skins, tanned or otherwise, worn for protection. In general,...
Diamond |
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, But diamonds are a girl's best friend - Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Basic Information Diamond is a crystalline form of carbon. It's dazzling beauty...
Sausage |
Basic Information Sausage is a traditional - and extremely widespread - foodstuff made from processed meat packed into a skin made from animal intestine to give a distinctive, cylindrical shape. Some...
Godendag |
Basic Information A medieval Flemish weapon, seemingly very similar to the morning star, the Godendag is a heavy, two handed club set with large metal spikes and, from most depictions, topped with an...
Knuckleduster |
Basic Information The knuckleduster, or brass knuckles, is a bludgeoning weapon consisting of a metal bar that fits across the knuckles of the wearer's hand, often held in place by rings around each...
Baton Round |
Basic Information A baton round is a form of less lethal ammunition designed to deliver a bludgeoning attack at rage and incapacitate a target with a reduced risk of lethal injury (compared to live...
Nitinol |
Basic Information Nitinol is an alloy of nickel and titanium with two very interesting and related properties: Superelasticity - when bent or flexed, it tends to spring back into shape Shape Memory -...
Rocket (Projectile) |
Basic Information A rocket is a projectile driven by a high speed jet formed from its reacted propellant (a rocket engine). This page is only about the projectile kind - for the vehicle see Rocket...
Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
Basic Information The infantry fighting vehicle is the transport of choice for the modern armoured infantryman. Best conceived of as the offspring of an armoured personnel carrier and a tank, the IFV...
Blue Jeans |
Basic Information Blue Jeans are not as new and modern as you might expect. Levi Strauss Co likes to give the impression that they invented blue jeans in 1873 in The Old West, but that’s kind of...
Embryo Space Colonization |
Basic Information Imagine you are in charge of the effort to colonize worlds outside our solar system. If you don't have FTL Stardrive technology, and restricted to more mundane spacecraft propulsion...
Subspace Ansible |
Basic Information A subspace ansible is a form of FTL Radio that specifically uses Subspace for the explanation of how it works. Further information can be found on the FTL Radio page. The term ...
Imported Alien Phlebotinum |
Basic Information Imported Alien Phlebotinum is Phlebotinum that was abandoned or supplied by some alien race, or other temporary visitor to our neck of spacetime. Often it's totally normal average...
Vortex Ring Gun |
Basic Information The vortex ring gun (alternatively vortex ring projector- mainly for PR reasons) is a (currently experimental) less lethal ranged weapon which fires stable vortex rings of gas at...
Cosmetic |
Basic Information Cosmetics are substances applied to the body for decorative purposes - some authorities would include perfume as a cosmetic, but for the purposes of this page, we will not. The most...
Weapons Of Mass Destruction |
Basic Information A Weapon of Mass Destruction (often abbreviated as WMD) is an instrument of warfare that is purposely designed to cause loss of human (or, as the case may be, other sentients') lives...
Functional Magic |
Basic Information Functional Magic is a trope that refers to magic that goes beyond mere plot device to serve as a tool, science, technology, art, or philosophy. Functional Magic is magic that...
Vegetation Of Metal |
Basic Information Vegetation of Metal is a term from Alchemy which describes a metal-crystal formation, typically derived by dissolving metals in a fluid. Not unlike a modern science fair project, the...
Magic Torch |
Basic Information A magic torch is a magic item designed to work around the shocks that flesh is heir to as they apply to the portable light sources of the typical fantasy adventuring party. As the...
Phlogiston |
Basic Information Phlogiston is a fifth element beyond the four elements of Ancient Greece. According to Phlogiston theory, it's supposedly contained within all combustible bodies. It has no colour,...
Magic Lamp |
Basic Information The magic lamp - as featured in the story of Aladdin and some other Middle Eastern legends - is a member of a much larger class of vessels containing jinn, bound within them by...
Food |
Basic Information Food is any substance which, when consumed, provides nutritional benefit for the body. Traditionally the term only applies to solids and semi-solids with liquids consumed for the...
Major Imports
These categories are identical to those listed under "Exports", except that the nation has sufficient need of these trade goods to import them in significant quantities instead of exporting them.
Woad |
Basic Information Isatis Tinctoria is a yellow flowering plant, native to Europe and related to cabbage and mustard. When the leaves of the plant are dried, powdered and fermented, they create a blue...
Silver |
Basic Information Silver is an elemental metal, white and lustrous in its pure form and closely related to both copper and gold. Historically, silver has been considered a precious metal - typically...
Linen |
Basic Information Linen is a textile made from flax - historically the main alternative to cotton cloth for those parts of the world where cotton was less available. Evidence suggests that it may be...
Yak |
Basic Information A Yak is a cloven-hoofed animal similar to cattle, but with very long hair. They are native to the mountainous and plateau regions of Tibet, Nepal, Myanmar, China, and Siberia. They...
Mummia |
Basic Information Mummia is a form of bitumen (a resource similar to pitch or resin) that was available long ago in Persia. It's a dark viscous liquid that was used as a form of medicine or folk...
Plantain |
Basic Information Confusingly the name plantain is shared by two very different generae of plants - plantago and musa. The genus plantago consists of a group of rather unimpressive looking herbaceous...
Flax |
Basic Information Flax is blue flowered, fibrous plant whose Latin name (Linum usitatissimum) asserts that it is the most useful . There is a certain amount of truth to this assertion. The best known...
Pig |
The Pig, if I am not mistaken, Supplies us sausage, ham, and Bacon. Let others say his heart is big, I think it stupid of the Pig. Ogden Nash, The Pig Basic Information This article is a stub....
Tinder |
Basic Information Tinder is an essential part of the fire-lighting process - it is the material that is ignited by the initial spark and from which the fire lighter expects the flame to propagate to...
Garlic |
Basic Information Garlic is a herb of the allium family, closely related to onions and shallots, which is used almost world wide as a seasoning, a food in its own right or for medical or spiritual...
Scythed Chariot |
Basic Information Around the 5th Century BC, Achaemenid Empire employed chariots with 3-foot-long (1-meter) scythed blades protruding from the axles. They proved a very effective way to control the...
Bludgeoning Weapon |
Basic Information Also called 'mass weapons' a bludgeoning weapon is a hitting thing pure and simple, using a combination of mass and leverage to deliver blunt impact damage to the target. Used...
Woad |
Basic Information Isatis Tinctoria is a yellow flowering plant, native to Europe and related to cabbage and mustard. When the leaves of the plant are dried, powdered and fermented, they create a blue...
Horse |
Basic Information A horse is a four-legged grazing herbivore domesticated by humans since around 4000 BC for a variety of purposes - initially the pulling of chariots, later for riding and later still...
Cloth Of Gold |
Psalm 43:13 - The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace; Her clothing is woven with gold. Yep, this stuff is that old. Basic Information Cloth of Gold is a textile fabric material with...
Maul |
Basic Information A maul is, essentially, a big hammer - very similar to a sledgehammer and bordering on being an improvised weapon. It's also what a lot of fantasy artists wrongly assume a warhammer...
Sabaton |
Basic Information The sabaton - also known as a solleret was an articulated shoe made out of plate armour. Actual designs varied and, as might be expected for an expensive piece of kit worn by high...
Cuisse |
Basic Information The cuisse was a piece of plate armour that protected the leg above the knee - some sources will call these greaves, although strictly those were armour for the lower leg only. The...
Tabard |
Basic Information A tabard is a short, sleeveless jacket, typically used to deploy an employer's (or, less commonly, a wearer's) coat of arms or other livery. The actual design can vary from an over...
Sausage |
Basic Information Sausage is a traditional - and extremely widespread - foodstuff made from processed meat packed into a skin made from animal intestine to give a distinctive, cylindrical shape. Some...
Smoke Round |
Basic Information A smoke round is a round of ammunition which is designed to release a cloud of smoke on impact, either for purposes of concealment or for target marking. There are a variety of...
Sapphire |
Thapphireth! Vargo Hoat, Game of Thrones G.R.R. Martin. Basic Information A sapphire is, essentially, any first order corundum gemstone that isn't a ruby - that is, one that is any colour but red....
Self Loader |
Basic Information A self loader in this context is a pistol with a semi-automatic, fully automatic or selective fire action which therefore self-loads from a magazine. These pistols are often referred...
Gyrojet Weapons |
Basic Information The term Gyrojet refers to a class of firearms invented and manufactured in the 1960s. These guns were noteworthy because they fired gyroscopically stabilized rockets, instead of...
Book |
Basic Information A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. In...
Double Action Revolver |
Basic Information A Revolver is said to be Double-Action if it's trigger assembly includes a mechanism where pulling the trigger cocks the hammer. This results in a faster rate of fire than a Single...
Light Mortar |
Basic Information A mortar small and light enough to be carried and operated by one man - although some designs classified as light have stretched this definition and almost all ignore the weight of...
Navigational Aid |
Basic Information A navigational aid can be one of two broad categories of things: A marker in a location designed to alert you to a hazard, such as a buoy or lighthouse. A tool or device to assist...
Pike Pole |
Basic Information A Pike Pole is a non-weaponized tool on a long haft. Basically, a pike pole is to a polearm, what a claw hammer is to a warhammer. At the end of the long pole there may be a hook, a...
Moroccan "snuff film" |
Basic Information In a column about the existence of Snuff Films, arch-fact-checker Cecil Adams came across the following weirdity: McIlvenny says the third film involving an actual death was a...
AirJelly |
Basic Information The AirJelly is a flying robot based on a jellyfish. Sources Bibliography 1. Festo Company Website entry 2. YouTube video Game and Story Use In a Science Fiction setting, these...
Protein Item |
Kaylee: [about Simon's birthday cake] Couldn't get ahold of no flour, so it's mostly protein. In fact, it's pretty much what we just had for dinner. [everyone laughs] Kaylee: But I tried to get the...
GroundBot |
Basic Information The GroundBot is a small, spherical robot which mounts cameras and other sensors and has limited off-road capabilities. Sources Bibliography 1. Rotundus Company Website 2. YouTube...
Metal Storm |
Basic Information Metal Storm is a firearms engineering concept which revives a very old idea for the modern era. The key to the metal storm is the use of superposed loads - several rounds of...
Inventor unveils anatomically correct fem-bot |
Summary December 17, 2008: A Canadian inventor has created an anatomically correct robot named Aiko in the shape of a Japanese girl. The robot can speak 13,000 phrases in English and Japanese,...
Space Suit |
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel Robert Heinlein book title. Basic Information A space suit is a suit of protective clothing designed to protect the wearer from the environment of space. It's most...
Mirror Matter |
This page is about matter that can only interacts with gravity. For the Mirror Matter appearing in the work of Robert L. Forward, see Antimatter. Basic Information Mirror Matter (also known as...
Boom Stick |
With his .45 automatic in hand, Fred felt confident holding the funny-looking stranger at bay till the police arrived. It didn't matter how weird the fellow looked, or whether the rumors about him...
Antimatter |
Basic Information Antimatter is a bizarre form of matter that is often used in science fiction for fuel, explosives, robot brains, and other forms of applied phlebotinum. Each antiparticle of...
Computronium |
Basic Information Computronium is a hypothetical material described loosely in a number of scientific papers and thought experiments. Depending on which paper or author you site, it is some or all of...
Magitek |
Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology. - Larry Niven Basic Information Sometimes, fantasy settings go through their own Industrial Revolution. The result is usually...
Prima Materia |
Basic Information An alchemical term for the formless basic substance from which all matter comes. Essentially a synonym for Iliaster. Game and Story Use In a fantasy setting, manipulation of prima...
Book Of Shadows |
Basic Information A Book of Shadows is a book that contains and details the religious text and instructions for rituals for the Wiccan religion or related or similar pagan belief systems. Equal parts...
Ritual Tool |
Basic Information A ritual tool is an instrument used in ceremonial or ritual magic. Which tools are used and for what purpose, and the significance attached to them varies from tradition to...
Stone-Flying Wizard |
Basic Information The Stone-Flying Wizard is a wizard (or other magic-user) deemed responsible for the creation or positioning of megaliths. Only a handful of examples occur in folklore and myth, and...
Fungus |
Basic Information Fungi are a unique kingdom in nature that basically recycle all the organic crap that's made by plants and animals; that's why they're also known as decomposers . They can be found...
Iliaster |
Basic Information Iliaster is an alchemical term for the primeval substance which is the source of all other substances. It contained both matter and spirit. The term was invented by Paracelsus, an...
Brazier |
Basic Information A brazier is a container in which a fire may be burned - generally a metal basket, although some cultures use a wide, shallow metal dish instead and many early examples are ceramic....
Familiar |
And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. LEV...
Aesoptinum |
Basic Information Aesoptinum is Phlebotinum with a moral component, designed so the author of the story can communicate a metaphor. Related Tropes: An Aesop Fantastic Aesop Mary Suetopia Phlebotinum...
This section will help you choose or create the dominant religion(s) of your nation.
Forms of Worship
This aspect does not cover which entity is worshiped, but how - it describes the form religion takes in a society, whether the overall structure of the faith or specific observances which are of great cultural significance.
If you want to add forms of worship to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_religion tag.
If you choose this tab, the single most important form of worship (or religious principle) in the nation's dominant religion is:
Endura Rite |
Basic Information The Endura was a form of ritual suicide associated with the Cathars. In their world view, the physical flesh was an evil imperfection of the spiritual realm one could attain after...
Complex religions can be built from this tab. Just roll a die, and use the top x items on the list.
Ship Burial |
Basic Information By default, a ship burial refers to a burial in which the deceased is placed inside a ship prior to interment. Unlike a canoe burial, the ship is then actually buried, typically...
Syncretism |
Basic Information Syncretism is the blending of two traditions or schools of thought. The term is used most commonly in regards to Theology, Mythology and Religion. One of the oldest example of...
Thyesthai |
Basic Information Thyesthai is an Greek term for religious feasting on a sacrificed animal. This was a normal practice in the classical world - indeed for many of the poor, sacrifices were a key...
Ouija Board |
Oh great and knowledgable spirit, will I, Calvin, ever become President? Hey! It's moving! What's it say? G - O - D - F - O - R - B - I - D pause What the? Hey! Stupid thing! If I want an...
Pilgrimage |
When in April the sweet showers fall That pierce March's drought to the root and all And bathed every vein in liquor that has power To generate therein and sire the flower; When Zephyr also has with...
Creation Myths |
Basic Information One of the oldest questions mankind has asked about the universe is, How did the world come to be? For much of mankind's history, this question was the exclusive province of...
Towers Of Silence |
Basic Information Towers of Silence are a form of funerary architecture associated with the practice of sky burial. Their exact form varies depending on the age and location in which they are built,...
Flower War |
Basic Information Flower War was the name given to the battles between the Aztec Triple Alliance and some of their enemies and vassals. The objective was to capture as many enemies alive as possible...
Beot |
Basic Information A beot is a formalized (and possibly divine or magical) boast common in the sagas of Norse Mythology and Germanic Mythology. A Viking or similar warrior could issue a beot, which was...
Hecatomb |
Basic Information The Hecatomb is a form of animal sacrifice from Ancient Greece. In them, one hundred cattle were sacrificed to gods such as Apollo, Athena, and Hera. See Also: Greek Mythology ...
Worshiped Entities
This category lists the various entities that are worshiped by the people.
Use this tab to create a single monotheistic religion based upon the deity listed below. Could represent true monotheism, or just indicate the dominant cult within a larger pantheon.
Kokopelli |
Basic Information His image is found on rock carvings, paintings and pottery throughout the American South-West: the figure of a dancer, bent over and hunch-backed, his hair (or maybe a headdress)...
This tab could indicate a "Creator" figure and the "Evil" they oppose. Alternately, the first entry could be the dominant monotheism, and the second entry is worshiped by a heretical cult, or other officially suppressed minority religion.
Carthaginian Mythology |
Basic Information Carthaginian Mythology refers to the religion and mythology of Ancient Carthage. Owing to the settlement and founding of Carthage by the Phoenicians from Tyre, a...
Jörmungandr |
Basic Information In Norse Mythology, Jörmungandr, also known as the Midgard Serpent was the middle of Loki's three children. He took the form of a gigantic serpent. Odin hurled Jörmungandr into the...
The size of the pantheon can be dictated by a die roll. Unless something else better suits your needs, assume the higher the entity is listed on this chart, the greater their importance within the nation. The first entry could well be the head of the pantheon, filling a role similar to Zeus or Odin in the Greek or Norse pantheons.
Invidia |
Basic Information Invidia, in Roman Mythology is the anthropomorphic personification of jealousy and envy. A minor goddess of ill reputation. Invidia was associated with the evil eye. There was...
Enki |
Basic Information Enki, a deity worshiped in ancient Mesopotamia, was originally the patron god of the city of Eridu, but his worship later spread throughout the region. His portfolio included crafts,...
Rán |
Basic Information In Norse Mythology, Rán is a Vanir sea goddess with an unpredictable and dangerous personality. Rán is married to Ægir, a sea-giant, and together they have nine daughters (see Nine...
Tarchies |
Basic Information Tarchies, also known as Tages or as the old-baby , was the primary prophet of, and one of the most important gods of Etruscan Mythology. He was a small child or baby, or possibly a...
Etruscan Mythology |
Basic Information Very little has survived about the Etruscan religion and mythology. They left no great literary works, and their language has only be partly deciphered. They lived in Etruria, what...
Culsu |
Basic Information Culsu is a Etruscan goddess associated with gateways and death. She appears as a topless winged woman carrying a torch and scissors. Her name means She Who Coils . She stood at the...
Great Old Ones |
Basic Information In the Cthulhu Mythos, a group of beings often mistaken for gods by less powerful races (such as humanity). The Great Old Ones are a poorly defined group (as is perhaps natural for...
Tlaloc |
Basic Information Tlaloc is the Aztec deity of rain, as well as fertility and thunder. He was worshiped both for giving life and feared for his ability to send hail, thunder, and lightning. He is...
Indonesian Mythology |
Basic Information Indonesian Mythology is the myths and folklore of Indonesia. Indonesia is very culturally diverse, with over 100 ethnic groups. So it's got elements drawn from Dayak mythology, Batak...
The Furies |
Basic Information Also known as the Erinyes1, the Eumenídes2 and the Dirae3 the Furies were the personified spirits of vengance in Greek Mythology, arisen from the blood spilt when Cronus castrated...
Hel |
Basic Information Hel (sometimes Hela) is the goddess of the underworld in Norse Mythology. She is Queen of the Dead and sits as anthropomorphic personification of death. Hel is the daughter of the...
Ares |
Basic Information Ares is the god of war in Greek Mythology. He's an ill-tempered monster, possessed of hatred and anger, and prone to frenzy. Ares' temper was so bad, most of Olympus didn't like or...
Karun |
Basic Information To put it simply, Karun is the Etruscan Mythology equivalent of Charon of Greek Myth.But it's really not that simple. Their names are nearly identical, and they appear to the dead,...
Aphrodite |
Basic Information Aphrodite is the vain Greek Goddess of beauty and love. She is almost invariably depicted nude, though in the myths she had a enchanted belt or girdle made of gold by Hephaestus....
Germanic Mythology |
Basic Information This page is a stub. If you are knowledgeable about the folklore and myths of Germany or about Germanic Paganism, please consider taking a few minutes to expand this page. Germanic...
Titan |
Basic Information In Greek Mythology, the gods that preceded the familiar Olympian gods; the Titans were children of Ouranos and Gaia. The lord of the Titans was Cronus*, who overthrew his father...
The Grim Reaper |
Basic Information In folklore, The Grim Reaper is the personification of Death. He is usually dictated as carrying a scythe and is a skeleton wearing a black cloak. In this form, Death is not seen as...
Green Man |
Basic Information The Green man - also known as the woodwose or (sometimes) Jack-in-the-Green is an enigmatic figure of Anglo-European myth, possibly having its roots in an atavistic nature deity. He...
Pluto (mythology) |
Basic Information Pluto was the Greco-Roman deity who was considered to rule over the realm of the dead. He was also known as Hades (a name which eventually came to be associated more with his domain...
Lamassu |
Basic Information In Mesopotamian Mythology, a Lamassu is a creature with a human head on the body of bull or lion, with huge bird wings on it's back. In some representations, the Lamassu was an...
This section covers the demographics, culture, history, and even (if needed) species of the inhabitants of the random nation.
Major Races/Species
Many settings have an all-human population. If you permit different races, open this tab to add various non-human species or races. Naturally, since this random generator will widely mix races from mythology and fiction, the results will require some interpretation. Use the beings listed here as a base model and don't be afraid to alter the descriptions for your own campaign. For example, if you want to run a science fiction setting but come up with "Elf" as one of the species, then make a Recycled In Space variant of elves with similar traits but a science fiction veneer.
This category is primarily powered by entries of sapient races/species from the Mythological Creatures and Fictional Creatures pages. If you want to add new races to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_race tag.
Assumed to be humans unless the nature of your campaign dictates otherwise.
If you choose this tab, your nation's primary species is:
Scorpion Man |
Basic Information The Scorpion Men - originally known as aqrabuamelu or girtablilu - were creatures of ancient Mesopotamian myth, appearing in the Babylonian creation narrative, the epic of their...
The nation is primarily populated by members of the following species. Roll 1d10, and use that many races off the top of the list. Unless some other ratio would better fit your purposes, assume the order listed is roughly in order from most population to least.
Elf |
“Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder. Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels. Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies. Elves are glamorous. They project glamour. Elves are enchanting. They...
Humanzee |
Basic Information A theoretical human-chimpanzee hybrid. Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov (biologist) attempted to create them in the Soviet Union in the 1920s. Saint Peter Damien claimed one existed in northern...
Hag |
Basic Information The hag is a human hunting monster of European folklore that may or may not be the distaff counterpart to the ogre. Taking the form of a large, ugly old woman the hag haunts moors,...
Hecatoncheires |
Basic Information In Greek Mythology there were three massive giants that had 100 arms and 50 heads each. These Hecatoncheires (literally hundred-handed ones ), also sometimes known as Centimanes,...
Titan |
Basic Information In Greek Mythology, the gods that preceded the familiar Olympian gods; the Titans were children of Ouranos and Gaia. The lord of the Titans was Cronus*, who overthrew his father...
Kikimora |
Basic Information The kikimora is a spirit of Slavic mythology, often portrayed as a wife to the Dormovoi, although some myths include a second variety that lives in the wilderness and is the wife of...
Goblin |
Basic Information A goblin is a small, often malicious humanoid from European mythology (although similar creatures crop up in other cultures) much employed by fantasy writers. The actual...
Minotaur |
Basic Information The mythical Minotaur or Bull of Minos 1 was the son of Pasiphae (Queen of Crete) and a bull, originally intended for sacrifice to the gods which her husband had instead kept for...
Cynocephaly |
(This page is about the dog-headed humanoids, not about the range of hills in Northern Greece, also known as the Cynocephalae, that were the site of several battles in antiquity. The etymology is the...
Kushtaka |
Basic Information Kushaka are creatures found in the myths of the Tlingit and Tsimshian of Southeastern Alaska. They are shape shifters who can switch between human and otter forms. In some stories,...
Significant Creatures
This category lists the major "monsters" which might appear in this nation. If you want such monsters to appear in it, open the tab at the appropriate number and use it to build your encounter tables. Again, use these creatures as inspiration instead of trying to adhere to them slavishly - alter or throw out anything that doesn't fit into your campaign.
Sapient creatures might also appear here, in addition to the "Major race/species" category above. In this case, it means that those creatures are either solitary threats or at best live together in small family units instead of forming true societies of their own. For example, "Elves" under major races means there are entire cities of elves within the nation, or elves can be found in almost every city in the nation. "Elves" under significant creatures are probably more sinister fairy-tale folk, who exist in hidden enclaves or live as deranged hermits in the deep wilds.
If you choose this tab, the biggest non-human threat within the nation is:
Sluagh |
Basic Information The sluagh1 are a host of spirits - or possibly faeries from Celtic myth, said to be composed of souls rejected from all available afterlives or restless for some other reason. They...
This tab can be used to generate your own encounter charts and wandering monster tables.
Were Kin |
She dropped the bar, she shot the bolt, she fed the fire anew For she heard a whimper under the sill and a great grey paw came through. The fresh flame comforted the hut and shone on the roof-beam,...
Great Old Ones |
Basic Information In the Cthulhu Mythos, a group of beings often mistaken for gods by less powerful races (such as humanity). The Great Old Ones are a poorly defined group (as is perhaps natural for...
Harpy |
Basic Information Derived from Greek mythology the harpies first appeared as a pair of winged, female spirits sent to torment the blind seer Phineas by seizing1 or befouling his food. When the...
Orc |
Basic Information In many ways orcs are the uber-mooks of the fantasy RPG. They owe their prevalence mainly to Professor Tolkein, who welded together the traditional goblin of Western myth with some...
Wight |
Basic Information The wight, as currently understood, owes much of its existence to Professor Tolkien. The original English word simply means person (sometimes man ), although it is cognate to the...
Snoligoster |
Basic Information (Dorsohastatutus caudirotula) A fearsome carnivore dwelling in the cypress swamps of the American South, particularly in the region around Lake Okeechobee, Florida. It resembles an...
Karkadann |
Basic Information The Karkadann is the Persian mythology equivalent of the unicorn. It has black scaly skin and an upper lip that's flexible like a finger. Like a unicorn, the Karkadann is fascinated...
Red Cap |
Basic Information A red cap is an unseelie fae from Anglo-Scottish folklore, said to prefer dwelling in ruined castles. The creature's name comes from it's trademark hat or cap which it dyes with the...
Gowrow |
Basic Information The Gowrow is a fictional creature first reported in the January 31, 1897 issue of the Arkansas Gazette. It was supposed to be a creature twenty feet in length with two tusks, large...
Comelenguas |
Basic Information Comelenguas is an unseen beast that feeds on the tongues of sleeping cattle [1]. By some accounts it's about the size of a turkey, and at least somewhat bat-like. Other names for...
Patasola |
Basic Information The Patasola is a form of vampire that exists in the folklore of South America (see South American Folklore), often presented as being a guardian of the forest. She appears to lonely...
Kitsune |
(Pl. Kitsune; Key-tsoo-neh) Basic Information The Kitsune is a mythological being of Eastern creation. This creature is a single, or multi-tailed (up to nine) Fox. Stories call them rain spirits, and...
Hungry Ghost |
Basic Information Although the concept of the hungry ghost appears in a variety of forms in various Asian cultures, this page deals mainly with those ghosts that are hungry because they have not...
Romero Zombie |
Basic Information A Romero Zombie is the slow-shuffling brain-eating monster popularized by Night of the Living Dead and it's ilk. The hallmarks of the Romero Zombie are the Zombie Gait and the...
Demon |
They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn...
Babi Ngepet |
Basic Information The Babi Ngepet is a creature from Indonesian mythology which, in European terms, would be described as a werepig. Traditionally the creature in question is a man or woman whose...
Gnoll |
Basic Information The gnoll is one of the more obscure fantasy beastmen, usually consisting of a fusion of human and hyena - although various, mostly canid things seem to be substitutable in a pinch,...
Sasquatch |
Basic Information The sasquatch (also referred to as bigfoot by many amateur cryptozoologists) is an ape-like cryptid thought to inhabit remote forests in the Pacific Northwest region of Canada and...
Shape Shifters Fast And Wise Animals |
Basic Information These creatures can be found throughout the mythology of many different regions. Then tend to be poor looking animals; the ones that appear to be old and decrepit or underfed. The...
Black Shuck |
Black Shuck Black Shuck is the Norfolk name given to one of many different huge, spectral hounds which are common in the folklore of the British Isles. Also called by such names as Padfoot, Skriker,...
Cultural Influences
This category gives you various real world or fictional cultures you can model your nation after.
So far, this category is primarily powered by entries from the Countries pages, but other possibilities certainly exist. If you want to add new possibilities for cultural influences to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_culture tag.
If you choose this tab, the primary influence / model for your culture will be:
United States |
Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! Cities Washington, DC New York City Los Angeles Chicago Seattle Other Locations Chaco Canyon The Grand Canyon The Great Lakes Niagra...
Use of this tab allows you to blend together cultures and customs that you might not otherwise think to combine. Roll a d6, and take that many off the top of the list.
Ecuador |
Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! List of Ecuador locations Quito See Also Spectral Bat Sources Bibliography 1. Wikipedia entry Game and Story Use
Atlantis |
Down below, before my very eyes, lay the ruins of a submerged city, swallowed by the sea. Its roofs were sunken, its temples demolished, its arches in pieces, its columns on the ground, but its...
Nicaragua |
Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! See Also News: Nicaragua's Vampire Problem Sources Bibliography 1. Wikipedia entry Game and Story Use
Hungary |
Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! See Also Event/News: A Hero’s Welcome for a Convicted Killer Reignites Tensions - The Hungarian government accidentally causes an...
The Bahamas |
Basic Information The Bahamas (also known as the Lucayan Archipelago) are an archipelago of islands on the northern border of the Caribbean Sea, separated from Florida on the mainland by The Windward...
Turkey |
Basic Information The Republic of Turkey is a country of 70 million people consisting of the Anatolian Peninsula and parts of Thrace. Its largest city is Istanbul, although the capital is Ankara. The...
This category lists famous past events of the nation. Most of these events are real world historic entries from the List of Centuries, so it is again necessary to adjust them to come up with something appropriate for your own campaign. Others are "generic events" (such as War) from elsewhere in the wiki.
If you want to add new historic to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_history tag. However, only give this tag to entries which have a significant historic impact on the nation.
Thirty Years War |
The Swedes have come, Have taken everything, Have smashed in the windows, Have taken away the lead, Have made bullets from it And shot the peasants -Song of the Swedes -1625 Basic Information The...
You could decide on how old your nation is supposed to be by deciding on the number of historic events - with the entries which are listed first as the most recent ones.
Oprichnik |
Basic Information An Oprichnik is a member of the secret police and death squads in service of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Fun facts about the Oprichniks Oprichniks dressed in black monastic habits, and...
Black Dragon Society |
Basic Information The Black Dragon Society(kokuryūkai) - also known as the Amur River Society (the Amur being also known as the Black Dragon River) was a Japanese ultra-nationalist society, focused on...
14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite |
Summary June 12, 2009: A boy in Essen, Germany has been hit by a meteorite and survived - a Million To One Chance, according to scientists. The meteorite left a scar in his hand and then caused a...
'Oumuamua |
Basic Information 'Oumuamua (the ' is a glottal stop, not an apostrophe) is the first ever detected interstellar object passing through our solar system whose origin was clearly outside our solar...
Height 611 UFO incident |
Basic Information The Height 611 UFO incident is an alleged UFO crash near the town of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia on January 29, 1986. Height 611 refers to the hill on which it crashed. At 8...
Tunguska event |
Basic Information The Tunguska Event was a massive explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya (Lower Stony) Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia, at around 7:14 a.m. (0:14 UT,...
Fire Whirl |
Basic Information A fire whirl, also called a fire devil or fire tornado, is basically a tornado that has formed out of fire instead of just air. This requires a large-scale ordinary fire and the...
Hurricane Katrina |
Basic Information Hurricane Katrina was a hurricane that devastated New Orleans, Louisiana on August 29, 2005. Sources Wikipedia entry Game and Story Use Used straight, surviving through Katrina and...
King Tut's Tomb Treasures |
Basic Information The following is a description of the contents of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun when it was rediscovered by Howard Carter in 1922. This information may be useful for GMs seeking...
Apotheosis |
Basic Information Apotheosis means to make divine . Also sometimes known as Deification or Exaltation, it is the act of declaring someone a god, or the act of becoming a god. Apotheosis can also...
Portal to mythical Mayan underworld found in Mexico |
Summary August 15, 2008: Mexican archeologists have discovered stone temples in a cave complex, which ancient Mayans believed were a portal to the Mayan underworld Xibalba. Source Original article See...
Californians are sinking themselves |
Summary July 2, 2009: Unable to pay for vital services, the government of state of California has started to issue IOUs to its debtors so that it can be able to function. The current financial...
Sumptuary Law |
Basic Information Sumptuary Laws are those laws which restrict the wearing of specific types of clothing or the possession of various other luxury goods. These laws are either designed to cement a...
September 1859 Geomagnetic Storm |
Basic Information The September 1859 Geomagnetic Storm, sometimes known as the Carrington Event, was an intense geomagnetic storm experienced on September 1 to September 2, 1859. It was caused by a...
Genocide |
Love for the party love for the nation Love for the fix for the fabrication Love for the corpse for the corporation Love for the death and for the defecation Romance and assassination Give me the love...
Manhattan Project |
Basic Information The Manhattan Project was the American project to develop the first nuclear weapon during World War II. It resulted in the A-Bomb. Broadly, it took the scientific material from the...
Field Of The Cloth Of Gold |
Basic Information For most of a month (June 7 to June 24) in 1520, Henry VIII of England and Francis I of France put on an incredible party to celebrate the peace between their nations. (They had been...
Thiess Of Kaltenbrun |
Basic Information In 1681, and again in 1691, an old cunning man in Swedish Livonia named Thiess of Kaltenbrun was called to testify as a witness in two trials. In both cases, while presenting his...
SS Edmund Fitzgerald |
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead When the skies of November turn gloomy. Gordon Lightfoot, The...
Soviet Union Wanted To Topple Honecker In 1987 |
Summary August 13, 2009: Allegedly, in 1987 the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev wanted to topple the East German leader Erich Honecker because of his hard-line views, so that they could reform...
This section deals with the land, biosphere, and geography, but also any man-made places of significant history and importance.
Dominant Terrain
This category lists the major terrain types of the nation.
This category is primarily powered by entries from the Terrain pages. If you want to add new terrain types to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them. For real-world naturally-occuring terrain of the sort that most everyone is familiar, give them the rng_terrain tag. However, do not give this tag to entries of very localized and/or non-natural terrain, as those should instead get the rng_xterrain tag. The rng_xterrain tag is valid for magical, unearthly, and sci-fi terrain types, as well as man-made terrain and crazy rare real-world terrain features.
Island |
Basic Information An island is a piece of land which is entirely surrounded by water for the majority of the day - if a link to the mainland is dry except at high tide then it's a peninsula, if it's...
Again, it may be helpful to assume that the further up the list the terrain type is listed, the larger the percentage of the nation.
Ocean |
Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! Oceans of the World: Antarctic Ocean Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean See Also Archipelago - stuff sticking out...
Seasonal Dry Forest |
Basic Information A Seasonal Dry Forest is a particular subtype of Forest found in tropical and subtropical areas prone to long dry seasons broken by periodic monsoons. Once the rainy season is over,...
Fungus Humongous |
Basic Information While some fungi can grow fairly large, a Fungus Humongous is a fungus that is truly gigantic - as large as people or even trees, leading to entire forests consisting entirely out of...
Cave |
ZAPHOD: Wee hoo! Hey, what a cave, man! Hey we could really ARTHUR: We could really what? ZAPHOD: We could really, you know BE in this cave. ARTHUR: We are in this cave. ZAPHOD: And what a wild...
Forest |
Basic Information The term forest can (at least in English) possess two different, but not necessarily mutually exclusive definitions. The first, most widly used, is that of an area of land largely or...
Jungle |
Basic Information A jungle is a dense, tangled, near-impenetrable tropical rainforest, the sort that is found in pulpy adventure stories (in which case it is full of aggressive jaguars, poisonous...
This includes magical, unearthly, man-made, futuristic or otherwise exotic terrain types.
You may want to use a blend of Terrains from both this tab and the more mundane Terrain Types tab, so that your fictional nation retains plausible.
Vertical Farming |
Basic Information Vertical Farming is a proposed method of conducting large-scale agriculture in urban high-rises. This would enable food production close to the market, save an fuel and energy as the...
Mima Mounds |
Basic Information Mima Mounds are a type of terrain consisting of numerous small mounds with heights reaching more than 2 meters in some cases, as well as a diameter of up to 9 meters. In some areas...
Living Root Bridges |
Summary August 5, 2009: In Cherrapunji, India (possibly one of the wettest places on Earth) the locals have created bridges out of living roots of ficus trees. The bridges take about ten to fifteen...
Niland Geyser |
Basic Information Niland Geyser is a bubbling pool of water in California that is probably the worlds only sustained mobile mud puddle. Believe it or not, this pool of water has been declared a...
Jungle Yard |
There was a chill that night in the hobo jungle Over the train yard lay a smooth coat of frost And although nobody here really knows where they're goin' At the very same time nobody's lost Then the...
Pyramids |
Basic Information Pyramids are large stone structures. Egyptian Pyramids were created as tombs for the Pharaohs1, Central American Pyramids were created to act as temples. They're some of the most...
Famous Locations
This category lists famous locations located within the nation. Again, use these entries as base models instead of using them directly - it won't work as well if your players recognize the landmarks from the real world.
Apart from the Mythological Places and Fictional Places sections, this category is powered by all sorts of different locations in the listings of the various Countries. If you want to add new famous locations to this generator, write up appropriate entries for them and give them the rng_location tag. However, only give this tag to really significant locations which might be famous even outside the nation.
For unusual buildings and general classes of architecture or man-made terrain that aren't neccesarily individually significant, use the rng_arch tag, and then they'll show up in the architectural examples tab.
The Floating Labor Camps of the Now |
Summary February 21, 2009: In the United Kingdom, old prison barges have been converted to house Italian, Portuguese, Polish, and Lithuanian construction workers who work at a power station in Kent....
Raven Rock Mountain Complex |
Basic Information Also known as the Raven Rock Military Complex, RRMC*, ANMCC, AJCC, Backup Pentagon, Underground Pentago, or just Site R. This Underground Base and fallout shelter is a US Government...
Klinikum Aachen |
Basic Information The Klinikum Aachen is the main hospital serving Aachen. It is part of the RWTH Aachen university. Construction on it started in 1972, and it was finished in 1985. Its architecture...
Garage |
Basic Information A garage is a building designed for the storage of land vehicles (compare the French gare - a railway station). The term may also be correctly used of facility for the repair and...
Tunnels Of Moose Jaw |
Basic Information The Tunnels of Moose Jaw are a tunnel complex in Moose Jaw, Canada. They were originally build as maintenance tunnels for the heating system of downtown area buildings. During the...
Thermae |
Basic Information Thermae1 were the great bathing and leisure complexes of ancient Rome, preserved to some degree today in the Turkish Baths (inherited by the Turks from Byzantium2) and, arguably, the...
Barsa Kelmes Island |
Basic Information Barsa-Kelmes (alternative spelling Barsakelmes) is the largest island of the Aral Sea, which has a reputation of being a strange (and even cursed) place. It remains uninhabited even...
Dungeon Forest |
The terror induced by forests and darkness, said a mocking voice from somewhere over her head, was called by the Ancients, Panic fear, or the fear of the great god Pan. It is interesting to observe...
Grand Canyon |
Basic Information The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the U.S. state of Arizona in North America. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29...
Santa Carla |
One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach all the damn vampires. Grandpa, The Lost Boys Basic Information Santa Carla, California is the fictional setting of the 1987 film The...
Pluto's Gate Uncovered in Turkey |
Summary March 29, 2013: Italian archaeologists have uncovered a site near Pamukkale, Turkey which they believe to be Pluto's Gate (Ploutonion in Greek, Plutonium in Latin) - an entrance to the...
Perhaps these types of buildings are prominent or ubiquitous within the nation.
Bridge |
For Four Guilds: II. The Bridge Builders In the world's whitest morning As hoary with hope, The Builder of Bridges Was priest and was pope: And the mitre of mystery And the canopy his, Who darkened...
Ossuary |
Basic Information An ossuary is a storage facility for human bones - generally those disinterred from a crypt, mausoleum, cemetery or graveyard. An ossuary is usually constructed when a burial...
Catacomb |
Basic Information A catacomb is essentially an underground cemetery (or, occasionally, an ossuary as in Paris) - a series of tunnels used for burials. Catacombs are frequently constructed when the...
Library |
Basic Information A library is a collection of books and other sources of information. The work may refer to the collection itself and/or to the room or building in which it is housed. A library which...
Towers Of Silence |
Basic Information Towers of Silence are a form of funerary architecture associated with the practice of sky burial. Their exact form varies depending on the age and location in which they are built,...
Ravelin |
In fact, when I know what is meant by mamelon and ravelin , When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a Javelin (from) The Major-General's Song: Pirates of Penzance Gilbert Sullivan ...
Inn |
Basic Information An Inn is a public house which offers accomodation and food to its customers as well as alcohol. Arguably the accomodation is key, since an ordinary tavern can serve food, but an inn...
Gatehouse |
Basic Information A gatehouse is a fortified (or at least secured) structure built around the gate of a castle or other fortification (or, in the modern era, any secure facility), to counteract the...
Church Building |
Basic Information A church building1 is a building specifically dedicated to the purpose of Christian worship and community. In common use, the term is usually shortened to church . Specific...
Canal |
Basic Information A canal is an artificial waterway, typically one built for transport, although they can also merge with aqueducts when used for water supply or drainage (or sewerage). Some canals...