Random Nations
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This page serves as a quick and convenient way to create a random nation, similar to the way the Random Characters generator creates a character. Each nation consists of certain random elements within specific categories. These random elements in turn link to specific Arcana Wiki pages which have the appropriate tag (so that the Random Generator can find them).

This Random Generator is intended to get your creative juices flowing, not restrain you. Thus, discard anything that doesn't fit your own ideas!

As an example on how to use it, see the essay "Using the Random Nations Generator". Further examples ranging from constructing small villages to whole planets can be found on this blog

Note: The Random Page function presently does not refresh very often, so wait one or more minutes before reloading the page.


This section covers the government and major organizations that exert power over the nation and the way people live.

Type of Government

All societies have some way of getting things done as a whole, and the type of government describes this aspect. However, few societies are examples of "pure" government types, so aspects of two or more government forms might be evident.

Choose this tab to give your nation a single government type, that's (relatively) easy to understand and envision.

Roman Kingdom

Basic Information The Roman Kingdom is the period of Ancient Rome from 753 BC to 509 BC. This era starts with the founding of the city of Rome, and lasts until the revolution and overthrow of the last...

Powerful Organizations

This category lists powerful and/or famous organizations of the nation. As many of the possible entries are real world organizations, alter them to make them fit into your setting.

If you choose this tab, this organization holds tremendous power. They may control the government, the church, or other major aspects of society, either openly or covertly.


Basic Information An Oprichnik is a member of the secret police and death squads in service of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Fun facts about the Oprichniks Oprichniks dressed in black monastic habits, and...

Major Personalities

Each nation has its share of powerful or famous individuals.

Use the entries in the following tabs as inspiration for such individuals. Only a very weird dimension-hopping or time-travel game would feature the actual people mentioned here. Instead, use the listings here as a inspirational concept to emulate when designing your own NPCs.


Jubal sang of the golden years Uhen wars and wounds shall cease - But Tubal fashioned the hand-flung spears And showed his neighbours peace New - new as Nine-point-Two Older than Lamech's slain -...

Major Political Issues

Each nation has "hot" political issues which are argued and fought over (physically or not). Use the entries in the following tabs as inspiration for what issues could divide your nation - or which are simply in the minds of the public at the moment.

Terrorism Fear Could Create Psychosomatic Epidemic, Feds Warn

Summary September 15, 2008: It seems possible that anxiety about terrorist attacks could trigger an epidemic of a psychosomatic illness even without a real attack. Several cases are mentioned when...

Major Projects

Some nations have major national projects they pursue towards specific goals. There is some overlap with Organizations above, but projects are more about achieving certain goals than a general political, ideological, or economic motivation. Use the entries in the following tabs as inspiration.


This section covers the commerce, artisans, technology, and economic system of the nation.

Tech Level

To be added later.

Type of Economy

This category lists the type of economy the nation has.


Basic Information Robonomics is a type of possible economic system which assumes that robotic and digital systems will be able to do most of the productive work of society. Thus, society guarantees...

Major Products and Exports

No nation exists in a vacuum. This part of the generator lists various trade goods - whether raw resources or advanced machinery. It is subdivided into several categories: raw resources, pre-industrial items, modern trade goods, sci-fi or futuristic items, and fantasy items. Use the tabs appropriate to your genre and setting. It helps make your nation more "real" if you use to use a few (d6?) items from earlier and simpler categories, as well. For example, a modern nation might mostly export modern items, but no doubt also has some natural resources to exploit.


Basic Information Sphagnum is a type of moss commonly found in peat bogs. It can soak up lots of water (over 20 times its dry weight in water). Sphagnum has a acidic ph which is the reason why bogs...

Cold Iron

Gold is for the mistress silver for the maid Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade. Good! said the Baron, sitting in his hall, But Iron Cold Iron is master of them all. (from)...


Basic Information Tinder is an essential part of the fire-lighting process - it is the material that is ignited by the initial spark and from which the fire lighter expects the flame to propagate to...


Basic Information Amber is a biologically derived precious stone which consists of fossilised tree resin. Most forms of amber are clear - or at least translucent - and of a shade between orange and...


Basic Information Calluna Vulgaris, more commonly known as Heather or Ling, is a flowering plant common to the Heath (habitat) and Moorland of Europe. It thrives in acidic soil, such as found in many...


Basic Information Isatis Tinctoria is a yellow flowering plant, native to Europe and related to cabbage and mustard. When the leaves of the plant are dried, powdered and fermented, they create a blue...

Major Imports

These categories are identical to those listed under "Exports", except that the nation has sufficient need of these trade goods to import them in significant quantities instead of exporting them.


Basic Information Isatis Tinctoria is a yellow flowering plant, native to Europe and related to cabbage and mustard. When the leaves of the plant are dried, powdered and fermented, they create a blue...


Basic Information Silver is an elemental metal, white and lustrous in its pure form and closely related to both copper and gold. Historically, silver has been considered a precious metal - typically...


Basic Information Linen is a textile made from flax - historically the main alternative to cotton cloth for those parts of the world where cotton was less available. Evidence suggests that it may be...


Basic Information A Yak is a cloven-hoofed animal similar to cattle, but with very long hair. They are native to the mountainous and plateau regions of Tibet, Nepal, Myanmar, China, and Siberia. They...


Basic Information Mummia is a form of bitumen (a resource similar to pitch or resin) that was available long ago in Persia. It's a dark viscous liquid that was used as a form of medicine or folk...


Basic Information Confusingly the name plantain is shared by two very different generae of plants - plantago and musa. The genus plantago consists of a group of rather unimpressive looking herbaceous...


Basic Information Flax is blue flowered, fibrous plant whose Latin name (Linum usitatissimum) asserts that it is the most useful . There is a certain amount of truth to this assertion. The best known...


The Pig, if I am not mistaken, Supplies us sausage, ham, and Bacon. Let others say his heart is big, I think it stupid of the Pig. Ogden Nash, The Pig Basic Information This article is a stub....


Basic Information Tinder is an essential part of the fire-lighting process - it is the material that is ignited by the initial spark and from which the fire lighter expects the flame to propagate to...


Basic Information Garlic is a herb of the allium family, closely related to onions and shallots, which is used almost world wide as a seasoning, a food in its own right or for medical or spiritual...


This section will help you choose or create the dominant religion(s) of your nation.

Forms of Worship

This aspect does not cover which entity is worshiped, but how - it describes the form religion takes in a society, whether the overall structure of the faith or specific observances which are of great cultural significance.

If you choose this tab, the single most important form of worship (or religious principle) in the nation's dominant religion is:

Endura Rite

Basic Information The Endura was a form of ritual suicide associated with the Cathars. In their world view, the physical flesh was an evil imperfection of the spiritual realm one could attain after...

Worshiped Entities

This category lists the various entities that are worshiped by the people.


This section covers the demographics, culture, history, and even (if needed) species of the inhabitants of the random nation.

Major Races/Species

Many settings have an all-human population. If you permit different races, open this tab to add various non-human species or races. Naturally, since this random generator will widely mix races from mythology and fiction, the results will require some interpretation. Use the beings listed here as a base model and don't be afraid to alter the descriptions for your own campaign. For example, if you want to run a science fiction setting but come up with "Elf" as one of the species, then make a Recycled In Space variant of elves with similar traits but a science fiction veneer.

Assumed to be humans unless the nature of your campaign dictates otherwise.

Significant Creatures

This category lists the major "monsters" which might appear in this nation. If you want such monsters to appear in it, open the tab at the appropriate number and use it to build your encounter tables. Again, use these creatures as inspiration instead of trying to adhere to them slavishly - alter or throw out anything that doesn't fit into your campaign.

Sapient creatures might also appear here, in addition to the "Major race/species" category above. In this case, it means that those creatures are either solitary threats or at best live together in small family units instead of forming true societies of their own. For example, "Elves" under major races means there are entire cities of elves within the nation, or elves can be found in almost every city in the nation. "Elves" under significant creatures are probably more sinister fairy-tale folk, who exist in hidden enclaves or live as deranged hermits in the deep wilds.

Cultural Influences

This category gives you various real world or fictional cultures you can model your nation after.

If you choose this tab, the primary influence / model for your culture will be:

United States

Basic Information This article is a stub. Please expand on it! Cities Washington, DC New York City Los Angeles Chicago Seattle Other Locations Chaco Canyon The Grand Canyon The Great Lakes Niagra...


This category lists famous past events of the nation. Most of these events are real world historic entries from the List of Centuries, so it is again necessary to adjust them to come up with something appropriate for your own campaign. Others are "generic events" (such as War) from elsewhere in the wiki.

Thirty Years War

The Swedes have come, Have taken everything, Have smashed in the windows, Have taken away the lead, Have made bullets from it And shot the peasants -Song of the Swedes -1625 Basic Information The...


This section deals with the land, biosphere, and geography, but also any man-made places of significant history and importance.

Dominant Terrain

This category lists the major terrain types of the nation.


Basic Information An island is a piece of land which is entirely surrounded by water for the majority of the day - if a link to the mainland is dry except at high tide then it's a peninsula, if it's...

Famous Locations

This category lists famous locations located within the nation. Again, use these entries as base models instead of using them directly - it won't work as well if your players recognize the landmarks from the real world.

The Floating Labor Camps of the Now

Summary February 21, 2009: In the United Kingdom, old prison barges have been converted to house Italian, Portuguese, Polish, and Lithuanian construction workers who work at a power station in Kent....

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