Basic Information
As the name implies, Space Weather is weather-like phenomenon in deep space, or in the orbit or vicinity around a planet or other celestial body. Much of it is electromagnetic in origin, caused by the field of a star such as our sun.
Types of space weather:
- Coronal Cloud
- Coronal Mass Ejection
- Fast Radio Burst
- Gamma-Ray Burst
- Meteor Shower
- Solar Wind
- Space Hurricane
- Space Tornado
- Star Found Shooting Water 'Bullets'
- Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance
Space Weather is likely to exhibit such tropes as unknown phenomenon, negative space wedgie, mysterious glowing cloud, and especially swirly energy thingy.
Depending on what explanation you favor for Dark Energy and Dark Matter, some types of them could manifest as/in Space Weather. Invisible weather could be all the more dangerous and mysterious for it, and incorporeal or undetectable space storms could have an almost ghostly quality.
Game and Story Use
- The energy fields and charged particles involved are effectively a form of interstellar terrain.
- Space weather may damage or disrupt spacecraft or satellites.
- It can also directly influence the actual weather on a planet, by bombarding the atmosphere with energetic particles.
- In Space Opera, don't feel constrained to realistic weather. Space Is An Ocean, after all, complete with storms and dead calms.