Roll over.
Roll over in fourth-dimensional timespace and fetch something that doesn't exist yet.
Good dog.1
Basic Information
This page is a sublist of Time Travel Tropes that just covers tricks you can do with a pair of idle hands and a time machine. The simple and obvious uses of Time Travel, such as merely changing the past, or winning tomorrow's lottery, do not make this list. Only the clever stuff, the stuff you might not think of on your first voyage through the ages, makes this list.
Some items on this list might require very specific technology or laws of physics to be in place. Check with your GM before assuming any given strategy will work.
- Future Google
- Instant Guitar Lesson
- Me Squad
- Rotating Into Time - warning, this one may hurt your brain
- Scry vs Scry
- Stable Time Loop
- Teleportation, as a result of Time And Relative Dimensions In Space
- This Is My Boomstick (and A Little Something We Call Rock And Roll if the setting is comedic and not cynical)
- Time Spying
- Time Traveler's Immortality
- Tomorrow's Tech Today
- Tricked Out Time
- Wild Stallion Rule
- Write Back To The Future
In addition, there's various tricks involving spacetime and the fourth dimension. Since gamers are much more devious and practical than most mass media [4], some of the above have rarely if ever shown up in a movie.
This page is like a stub, if you've got a wicked new idea for something crazy a time-traveler can do, make a page for it and link to it from here.
For further ideas, see also:
Game and Story Use
- The Veteran Chrononaut will have a very good idea which of those tricks do or don't work in his native universe.
- If, heavens forbid, you find yourself at odds with a Time Master, expect them to throw all of these at you, even the ones that shouldn't work, and a few more that haven't made the list yet.