Basic Information
Time Travelers are people who travel through time, either via a Time Machine, supernatural powers, or via a Rip Van Winkle scenario. They might be great scientists, powerful wizards, or just some guy who happened to bumble through a Portal To The Past.
Time Travel Characters are a subset of Characters As Device and Characterization tropes specific to games featuring Time Travel. See also Time Travel Tropes.
List of Time Traveling Character Types:
- Bewildered Time Novice
- Born In The Wrong Century
- Connecticut Yankee
- Contemporary Caveman
- The Fish - see Fish Out Of Temporal Water
- The Gump
- Identical Grandson
- Ignorant Levelers - and probably a lot of them, at that
- Julius Beethoven Da Vinci
- Kid From The Future
- Nazis - see Godwins Law of Time Travel and Hitlers Time Travel Exemption Act
- Spaceship Girl - if the Time Machine itself has sentient AI
- Temporal Meddler
- Temporal Physics Professor
- Temporal Target
- Time Abyss
- Time Master
- Time Police
- Veteran Chrononaut
- Your Own Future Self
There may also be monsters traveling time. See Fourth-Dimensional Lifeform and Clock Roaches.
This list isn't really taken from any one source, but includes several character-related tropes from the TV Tropes Wiki, along with various character roles that are more gaming-specific.
Game and Story Use
- A time travel campaign will likely use characters from many different genres and settings, in addition the the time travelers themselves.
- For ideas on times and places worth traveling to, see our History index.